Friday, 2 February 2018
THE State Government has doubled the number of financial scholarships on offer for disadvantaged young people to stay in school and reach their education and training goals, Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall announced today.
Mr Marshall said the scholarship, which provides $1,000 a year to each student, could be used for expenses like text books, course costs and computer equipment.
“I would like to encourage young people from our local communities to apply for the FACS Scholarships Program, this will help our most disadvantaged students get ahead,” Mr Marshall said.
“These scholarships will support our young people in our local schools and TAFE Campuses to achieve their educational goals.
“We know education is the key to breaking the cycle of social disadvantage and this scheme will offer significant help to successful applicants in our area.
“The program is a great example of how the government continues to work with our local community to help those most in need.”
Students are eligible to apply for a scholarship if they are:
• Living in social housing, on the NSW Housing Register, receiving private rental assistance or living in crisis or supported accommodation or out-of-home care;
• Studying in Year 10, 11 or 12 at a NSW high school or TAFE, undertaking a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship or studying a Vocational Education and Training (VET) subject at school in 2018; and
• An Australian citizen or permanent resident.
Scholarship recipients can get financial support for over seven years – from Year 10 until the completion of tertiary education.
Applications are now open and close at 5pm on Friday, 23 February 2018.
For further information and to apply visit