Friday, 28 February 2020
EFFORTS to increase the number of children attending quality early childhood education in Moree have received a boost with almost $20,000 in State Government funding announced for cultural programs at three local centres by Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall today.
Mr Marshall recently visited Goodstart Early Learning Moree to announce $3,022.23 with Director Lauren Kinchella.
“The cognitive, social and emotional benefits a child gains from attending an early childhood education service are incredibly valuable,” Mr Marshall said.
“The Community Grants Program has played an important role in increasing the number of Aboriginal children and children from disadvantaged backgrounds attending preschool across our region.
“Alongside Goodstart, Grace Lutheran Preschool has received $6,237.80 and Moree Pre-School $10,000 to assist with staff training, the development of preschool information packs and to buy culturally appropriate educational resources.
“As a Government, we are committed to ensuring every child, no matter where they’re from or what their background is, has access to an early childhood service.”
Goodstart Early Learning Moree Director Lauren Kinchella said she looked forward to working with families to ensure their children received a culturally appropriate start to their education journey.
“Of our current 88 families enrolled at the centre around a quarter of those are from an aboriginal background,” Ms Kinchella said.
“We will use this grant to engage our staff in culturally appropriate training which we hope will make these families feel a greater sense of belonging when they send their child to Goodstart.
“We also want to improve the experience of the children we already have enrolled by embedding genuine local aboriginal perspectives and ideas into our day to day teaching.
“I want to thank Adam and the State Government for supporting us in providing education to as many Moree families as possible.”
MEDIA: Kris Wall 0447 432 392
Photo caption: 1. Goodstart Early Learning Centre Director, Lauren Kinchella, with Member for Northern Tablelands, Adam Marshall MP
2. Member for Northern Tablelands, Adam Marshall MP, learning the skills of blowing bubbles with preschool children at Goodstart Early Learning, Moree
3. Member for Northern Tablelands, Adam Marshall MP and Goodstart Early Learning room leader, Stacey Bussell, inspecting the healthy food options on offer to children at Goodstart Early Learning, Moree