Tuesday, 16 February 2016
MEMBER for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall is encouraging the region’s local councils to help stamp out litter in the community by applying for grant funding as part of the NSW Government’s third round of Council Litter Prevention Grants.
Mr Marshall said a pool of $1.5 million was now available to the state’s councils.
“In rounds one and two, $2.7 million in funding was made available to support 45 litter projects to target litter hotspots across the state,” Mr Marshall said.
“In 2014 Uralla Shire Council received a $25,000 grant to install heritage-style litter bins as part a renewed push by the community to keep Uralla ‘clean and green’.
“The council was targeting littering in Uralla’s Bridge Street, including Porter and Pioneer Parks.
“In addition to the uniquely Uralla bins, council replaced signage and undertook general maintenance and completed a big clean-up of the town’s main street and parks.
“The new bins display a list of waste that can be placed in them as well as images of historical buildings and locations in Uralla.”
Mr Marshall said the third round of grant funding had been made available on the back of the program’s success in reducing litter at known hotspots.
“Councils can apply for funding to curb litter at targeted hotspots, install new bins and equipment and create innovative education campaigns to target litter hotspots and help deter littering,” he said.
“The government is committed to reducing the volume of litter in NSW by 40 per cent by 2020.
“Funding council litter prevention projects will contribute to achieving this ambitious target.”
The Council Litter Prevention grants program is part of the NSW government’s $465.7 million Waste Less, Recycle More initiative.
For more information about the Council Litter Prevention grants program visit www.epa.nsw.gov.au/wastegrants/council-litter.htm