Monday, 4 November 2019
THERE’S no excuse now for travelling without your driver’s licence with Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall today announcing the roll out of the new Digital Driver’s Licence (DDL) across the region.
Mr Marshall said the DDL downloaded to people’s smart phones was now being accepted as proof of identity and proof of age by a number of organisations, including NSW Police.
“The age old excuse of I’ve left my wallet at home is no longer going to fly at roadside police checks,” Mr Marshall said.
“The DDL is hosted securely on the new Service NSW app, locks with a PIN and can be accessed offline, it will provide additional levels of security and protection against identity fraud, compared to the plastic driver licence.
“Smartphones have become our de facto wallets and the State Government is using world leading technology so that drivers can use digital licences day to day.”
Mr Marshall said a trial of the DDL in regional areas had a strong take up and positive results.
“The DDL trial has been very positive with pubs and clubs getting in on the action accepting it as proof of age too,” he said.
“Work is now underway to encourage other sectors to come on board with the scheme including nightclubs, restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, supermarkets, convenience stores and tobacco retailers.
“The DDL will always be opt-in only and I encourage as many people as possible to download the Service NSW mobile app on their smartphone and take up the initiative.”
Drivers who opt-in are encouraged to carry their plastic licence in the initial stages.
For more information about how to recognise and accept the DDL visit
To get a DDL, licence holders will need to create a MyServiceNSW Account at