Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall meets with Emmaville Deepwater Swimming Club’s Public Officer Jennie Coldham, left, Coach and Race Secretary Lisa Baker and Secretary/Treasurer Mel Quigg in Glen Innes this week.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
MEMBERS of the Emmaville-Deepwater Swimming Club Dolphins are doing flips after securing two funding grants from the State Government to boost coaching qualifications and put on the club’s first ever swimming carnival.
The $4,700 NSW Sport and Recreation funding will help the growing club offer greater competition for their growing membership.
Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall met with the club earlier this week to announce the two funding grants – a $3,000 grant to assist with the club carnival, and further $1,700 for coaching courses.
“With 32 school-age members, the Emmaville Deepwater Swimming Club is proving to be a strong social and sporting event for kids in the northern part of our region,” Mr Marshall said.
“Through their first ever carnival, budding swimmers can compete against the rest of the region, providing extra incentive to perform their best. This will be well complimented by additional coaches, who will help improve the hours of face-to-face tuition that are available.”
Emmaville Deepwater Swimming Club Public Officer Jennie Coldham said carnival invitations would go out across the Northern Tablelands.
“We’re only a small swimming club, and haven’t done anything beyond our weekly events before,” Miss Coldham said.
“Because it’s a small town and most of the kids go to school in Emmaville, it would expand their social networks, and be a good learning experience for us all, parents and kids, to see how other clubs do it.”
The club currently trains once a week with volunteer coach Lisa Baker – with additional qualified coaches, the regiment could be expanded.
“We’re at the limits of what we can expect one volunteer coach to do,” Miss Coldham said. “We may be able to offer more activities if we had more qualified coaches.”