Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall is encouraging the region’s seniors to secure their free copy of the 2021 Legal Aid NSW diaries.
Wednesday, 6 January 2021.
SENIORS living in the Northern Tablelands electorate can now claim a free diary that alerts them of the latest scams, elder abuse, funeral information, pensions local State MP Adam Marshall announced today.
Mr Marshall said demand was always high for the Legal Topics for Older People diary, which would be distributed from his electorate offices in Armidale and Moree from next week.
“Legal Aid NSW produces this informative and easy-to-read diary each year to help demystify legal issues that are of special interest to older people,” Mr Marshall said.
“This is an incredibly popular publication with 80,000 copies of the diary being printed for the entire state.
“This handy diary brings together important phone numbers and information about everything from helping your family financially, to updating a will and understanding your rights when moving into a retirement village.
“The diary is well known for covering the tough topics and 2021 is no exception, addressing the issue of elder abuse and how victims and families can identify and report physical, financial or emotional abuse so it is dealt with immediately.
“You’ll also find tips to help you get the most from life, with information about Seniors Cards and allowances for which you may be eligible.”
The diary also features a dedicated chapter on legal issues for older Aboriginal people to know about, including planning for funerals and sorry business, and using a will as a way of passing on cultural knowledge.
Special occasions are also marked so seniors won’t miss important events like the NSW Seniors Festival, NSW Grandparents Day and 2021 school holiday periods.
To order a free copy of the 2020 Legal Topics for Older People Diary, please visit and search for ‘Diary’.
Seniors can also contact Mr Marshall’s Moree electorate office on 02 6752 5002 or Armidale office on 6772 5552 to reserve a copy.