Tuesday,2 August 2016
THE region’s councils now have a chance to patch the holes in their local truck wash sites under a new joint funding program from the State and Federal Governments, Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall announced today.
“Livestock transport is necessarily a dirty business, but there often just aren’t enough truck wash-down sites to enable truckies to clean their trailers between loads without making big diversions,” Mr Marshall said.
“The Fixing Country Truck Washes program is designed to help councils build new truck washes along key livestock routes and effluent ‘hotspots’ where wash out facilities are inadequate.
“With more washes, better sited, the effluent that accumulates during livestock transport will improve productivity and reduce effluent spills, which cause road safety issues and the spread of weed and disease.”
The program is now open to councils across the state. Mr Marshall is hoping that councils across the Northern Tablelands will apply for a share of the funding.
“Industry has been busy identifying effluent hotspots and I look forward to working with councils to see new and upgraded wash out facilities established across electorate,” he said.
Councils have nearly two months to apply for funding under this initiative, which will be vital to providing the infrastructure required to increase productivity in the meat and livestock industry.
As part of the Fixing Country Truck Washes initiative, councils will be encouraged to work with the meat and livestock industry so that the available funding can be leveraged and spread across country NSW.
To apply for Fixing Country Truck Washes initiative, please download an application form by heading to www.freight.transport.nsw.gov.au/network/road/fixing-country-roads/truck-washes.html