Tuesday, 17 January 2017
MEMBER for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall is encouraging local Aboriginal artists and arts organisations across the region to apply for NSW Government funding to support their local projects.
Mr Marshall said that the NSW Aboriginal Regional Arts Fund was for projects in remote and regional NSW that encouraged Aboriginal people to explore and express their cultural identities.
“I encourage all Aboriginal artists and arts organisations to apply for this funding which will allow them to share their stories and skills with their communities,” he said.
“This is well targeted support to build the skills, capacity and professional development of Aboriginal artists and arts organisations as well as create a diversity of stories and contemporary artworks which speak to local communities.
“The fund offers up to $5,000 for individual professional artists and up to $20,000 for organisations.”
Mrs Marshall said he was very pleased to see the NSW Government supporting a vibrant, distinctive and contemporary Aboriginal arts and culture across country NSW.
“I encourage all local Aboriginal artists across the Northern Tablelands to consider applying for funding,” he said.
The Fund supports projects that:
• Enable Aboriginal communities in regional NSW to explore and express their cultural identities;
• Engage and promote regional Aboriginal artists, arts and culture in NSW;
• Encourage people to engage with Aboriginal arts and cultures;
• Build the capacity and sustainability of Aboriginal arts organisations in regional NSW; and
• Increase skills development opportunities for Aboriginal artists in regional NSW
Applications close on Monday, 27 February. For more information, please visit the website www.arts.nsw.gov.au