Wednesday, 10 May 2023
NORTHERN Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has moved swiftly to secure the future of the Bingara Fire & Rescue NSW station, today putting down a question on the notice paper to the Minister for Emergency Services, during the first formal sitting day of the 58th State Parliament.
In February this year, covert plans by Fire & Rescue NSW to close the Bingara station were blocked by the former Deputy Premier and Emergency Services Minister, but with a change of government and a fresh Minister, Mr Marshall said he wants a “cast iron guarantee” that a closure is still not on the cards.
“I’m seeking a formal and written assurance from the Minister that the new government has no plans to close the Bingara Fire Station,” Mr Marshall said.
“While a move to close it was defeated earlier this year, Gwydir Shire Council and many in the Bingara community are concerned that with a new government and a new Minister, Fire & Rescue NSW might try once more to withdraw its coverage and services.
“Under no circumstances can a closure of the station be allowed.”
Mr Marshall has also asked the Minister when Fire & Rescue NSW will commence a community wide recruitment campaign for retained firefighters to staff the fire station.
“I have heard from a number of locals who in the last six months have approached Fire & Rescue NSW to sign up and train as a retained firefighter to staff the Bingara station, only to be told they are currently not recruiting,” Mr Marshall said.
“The community not only wants the Fire & Rescue NSW pencil pushers and bean counters from Sydney keep their hands off Bingara Fire Station, they want a comprehensive recruitment campaign to begin so we can once more have local firefighters on duty at the station.
“Gwydir Shire Council, the local community and I are in lockstep on this one – we’ll never allow the station to close and services to be withdrawn from the community.
“Bingara may be small but lives out here are just as important as ones in the big city and just as deserving of adequate fire protection.
“The community and I will be watching Fire & Rescue’s actions closely as we now eagerly await the Minister’s formal reply.”
The Minister for Emergency Services now has 35 calendar days respond in writing to the Parliament to Mr Marshall’s question.
Mr Marshall’s question, placed on the Notice Paper today, is:
My question is to the Minister for Emergency Services:
In relation to the Bingara Fire & Rescue NSW station,
- Can the Minister confirm the government has no plans to close the Bingara Fire & Rescue NSW station?
- If yes, when will Fire & Rescue NSW commence a genuine and appropriate community recruitment campaign for new retained firefighters?
- Will the existing firefighting appliances and pumper remain at the station?
Hon. Adam Marshall MP
Member for Northern Tablelands
10 May 2023