Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall inspecting progress on the $3.96 million Biniguy water pipeline and reservoir.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
NORTHERN Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has announced today the $3.96 million State Government-funded Biniguy water supply project is expected to be completed and delivering permanent potable water to the small community by Christmas this year.
Mr Marshall said the final connections between the pipeline from Pallamallawa and the village’s new water reservoirs were being put installed this week to allow the system to become operational.
“For the first time in the Biniguy’s history, every home will have a guaranteed permanent potable water supply connected, eliminating reliance on tank or bore water and providing much needed firefighting capabilities in the village,” Mr Marshall said.
“Over the next couple of days Moree Plains Shire Council staff will connect the two 60 kilolitre reservoirs, which are now towering over Biniguy, to the 11.5 kilometre pipeline which runs from the Pallamallawa Water Supply.
“With the reservoirs connected to the pipeline it will only be a matter of electricians working on the power supplies at both Biniguy Water Treatment Plant and the Pallamallawa Pump Station before we start to see water running into town and to people’s homes.”
Mr Marshall said once the connections were complete, pressure testing would begin for Biniguy’s reticulated water mains.
“Council expects to have work on the reservoir finished by the end of this week which means it will start pressure testing the mains at Biniguy to ensure there are no issues with the flow,” he said.
“Already, every house in the village is connected to the water mains system and the pipeline to Pallamallawa has been tested so we really are only weeks away from having it pumping a reliable source of water for drinking and household use.
“This vital piece of infrastructure has been talked about for more than three years and I congratulate Moree Plains Shire Council for the work it has done in getting the project to this stage.
“There’ll be no better Christmas present for Biniguy than clean reliable drinking water that this pipeline will deliver to local residents.”