Monday, 17 February 2020
NORTHERN Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has today urged local property owners, business operators and community organisations affected by the devastating 2019-20 bushfires to make a submission to the NSW Independent Bushfire Inquiry.
Mr Marshall said he was pleased to see the broad terms of reference for the inquiry which will not only investigate the causes of the bushfires but also the state’s preparation and response to the disaster.
“This is really the first opportunity for the community to tell its story about what took place before, during and after the many bushfires across our region,” Mr Marshall said.
“The Premier has tasked Dave Owens APM, former Deputy Commissioner of NSW Police, and Professor Mary O’Kane AC, Independent Planning Commission Chair and former NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer with the six-month inquiry and I have full confidence in their ability to deliver recommendations which will lead to better fire management practices.
“Following the Bees Nest fire in September many landholders in the Ebor area raised concerns with me about the high fuel loads and perceived lack of fire hazard reduction in Guy Fawkes National Park which they believe led to the blaze getting out of control.
“Stories like this have been common on fire grounds across the state which is why it’s important everybody affected shares their personal experiences with the inquiry.”
Mr Marshall said he would be making a submission to the inquiry.
“The only way our state will see real change to the way public land and fire loads are managed is if people take the time to make a detailed and formal submission,” he said.
“While the inquiry is not holding public hearings, as part of the process the panel will visit bushfire affected communities and I will be making sure the Northern Tablelands is included in that schedule.
“I will be making a submission on behalf of the community which directly raises concerns put to me about public land management as well as the long term impacts bushfires will have on our local economy.”
Submissions close Friday, 27 March 2020 and can be made via:
Post: NSW Independent Bushfire Inquiry, GPO Box 5341, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: Bushfire Customer Care Program 13 77 88
In-person: at any Service NSW service centre
For details regarding how to make submissions to the Inquiry, please visit