Friday, 8 April 2016
NORTHERN Tableland’s MP Adam Marshall today welcomed the recommendations made in a report which reviewed the impact of a change in school hours at the Moree East Public School.
Mr Marshall said that for the past 12 months the school had trialled an earlier start and finish time to school hours in order to capture student’s peak learning times.
“I’m pleased to learn that the trial period was found to be a success by the review,” Mr Marshall said.
“It’s obvious from the report that the trial hours have dramatically reduced suspension rates (down 64%) and already, after only 12 months, seen improved academic outcomes for the students,” Mr Marshall said.
“I’m glad the review panel listened to the concerns of parents and recommended that from the beginning of Term 2, the school times be pushed 30 minutes back, moving to 8.30am start and a finishing time of 1.45pm.
“The first session will run from 8:30 am to 11:00 am, a break from 11:00 am to 11:30 and the second session will run from 11:30 am to 1:45 pm.
“The review committee, which consisted of representatives from the local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group, parents, Local School Reference Group and the Department for Education, spent considerable time seeking feedback from parents, carers, community members and staff before making these recommendations.”
Mr Marshall said the Moree bus companies would continue to provide a service to meet the new school times.
“The panel also made some further recommendations which would be further investigated in the coming months,” he said.
“The school will look in to various options to provide transport to and from school and after hour’s school actives. They will investigate the provision of an Out of School Hours service and give consideration to other attendance strategies.”